Everything to Know About Multi-editing in Figma

and all of the shortcuts available, too! Hello again! 👋 Well, Figma did it again. The team solved and shipped a feature — actually, kind of a whole new way of working within the canvas — to help address a problem I didn’t even know I had. It’s called multi-edit, and…

Everything New in Figma

New: Variables To kick off this series of announcements, let’s talk about variables! Support for reusable values within Figma has finally arrived, and it’s been highly anticipated. For designers like myself, working in design systems and component libraries to support their teams and various product initiatives, variables help…

5 of My Favorite Figma Tips

Tip #1: Bulk Rename As much as I love to rename and keep my layers in Figma organized, it’s not always the easiest to do, mainly because renaming can be such a tedious task. To help, Figma has a built-in feature that allows any number of selected layers to…

Component Properties in Figma

Why component properties? Figma’s introduction of variants changed how many designers, including myself, approach creating components. Variants provided the ability to turn several separate but related components, into a single asset, with properties and values that can adjust at the instance level. Variants are a handy tool to help…

Naming Variants

About Variants If you're unfamiliar with Variants, they're essentially a way to turn several components related to one another into a single component with selectable options. For example, in most design systems, there are buttons, and each Button component may have a different state that can…

Naming in Figma

Teams, projects, and naming files Within Figma, there are two primary ways to organize all of the created files: Projects and Teams. One way of thinking about the two that helped me was to imagine Projects as folders that hold files and to think of Teams as a way to…

Tools for 2022

Things 3 [https://culturedcode.com/things/] If you’ve ever searched for productivity tools of any kind, there’s a good chance that you may have come across this one. It’s a surprisingly simple yet powerful and well-designed app that can scale with how much you’d like to…

Base Components

Earlier this month, I shared a change [https://twitter.com/joeyabanks/status/1481307391769694211?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.notion.so%2Fjoeyabanks%2Fe97f7c9970a1414596d54a6fc175e5f0%3Fv%3Dc1ce7177ad7a451bbfd8542e6501694b%26p%3Dca67df3a917c426b979c73990b06a435] that I recently made when it comes to working and creating components for others to use…